For those with homes lined up with hardwood floors, these individuals know how difficult it could be to maintain these floors. When it comes to this kind of flooring, it is prone to scratches and stains. What you have here are minor problems that come with hardwood floors Dallas and after some time, you will have to deal with more serious things.
When some form of damage is done on your hardwood flooring, most people try to cover the spot with a rug or a carpet in hopes of salvaging the entire floor. There are times when the damage is extremely noticeable and the usual cover up will not be enough to help the homeowner out. If there are problem areas in a house with hardwood floors Dallas, the homeowner can choose to do the repairs in a DIY fashion.
Use water combined with several hardwood cleaning solutions to clean the floors from end to end and this includes the areas that are damaged. When it comes to this, you will actually be doing something that will help you see which part of the flooring needs repairs. For stains and scratches, scrubbing agents might actually do the trick.
If there are wood pieces that are damaged, you might have to replace the wood itself. Keep in mind that you’ll want to remove just the part that is damaged and nothing else. Usually, hardwood flooring comes in a plank design which means that anything that is damaged can be removed with ease.
Know that you should remove the plank as carefully as you would have it installed. Prior to the lifting part, what you have to do is first loosen the sides of the damaged plank. Removing the planks will be much easier if you see to it that this particular step is not forgotten.
Use new wood to replace the planks that you have removed from the floor. It is then always a good thing to have extra planks of your original hardwood in case such instances happen. However, despite having the exact same style as your existing floors, expect that your new ones will be of a different color due to the wear and tear of those already out in the open.
Original planks might not be easy to locate and if this becomes a problem, settle for new planks that look like the ones you have in your home. Even if homeowners do not like this idea, there are times when they have to settle for this option. For some people, mismatched planks are unacceptable and this is why they rip everything out instead.
There are times when you have to apply finishing solutions to the floors but this depends on the condition of the wood. Here is where you need to consider finishing all planks so that the look will be the same across the floor. Before you step on the floor, see to it that you have left it to dry completely.
If you cannot understand the process of repairing hardwood flooring, do not attempt to fix the floors in your home by yourself. When in doubt, it may be best to ask a professional to do it for you. At same point, repairing and changing hardwood floors can get tricky and doing it yourself might end up with even more damage.
The repair of hardwood floors requires more skills than what has been presented in this article. You might encounter some difficulty when working on your hardwood floors Dallas. Do not attempt to do the repairs yourself if you are not skilled in this.
If searching for ways on how you can improve your flooring Dallas, do not hesitate to hit the link and you'll have some great ones.